Aanand Kainth

My name is Aanand.

I create and work with a myriad of technology stacks; from complex back-end systems serving millions of customers simultaneously to beautiful, streamlined apps. In many years of work as a software engineer I have designed many systems that help students connect, learn, and succeed.

Work Experience


Software Development Engineer

I work on the API team in the Managed Kafka service at AWS (MSK).


Software Development Engineer Intern

In the summer of 2023, I was an intern on the Real User Monitoring under the AWS CloudWatch org. While there I experimented with supporting OpenTelemetry instrumentations and expanding into support for mobile devices.


Software Intern, Plume

When I returned to Plume, I upgraded some endpoints to gRPC, rolled out more microservices, internal service scripts, and leveraged the Braze APIs to help users navigate the setup process.

Facebook AI Research

through MLH

Worked with Meta AI research on reducing requisite code churn in VISSL, their open source library for self-supervised learning. I also standardized event storage and logging interfaces, and implemented responsive learning rate scaling.


Fellow, MLH

My first time with Major League Hacking, I worked on BentoML, a high-performance machine-learning model server. There, I ideated and executed one of the project's largest refactors that halved the amount of code required for a typical contribution.


API Intern, Plume

My first time interning, I upgraded the network operations center to ECMAScript6, improved its accessibility, and halved its load times. I also kicked off the migration from AngularJS 1.x to Angular 8, and added support for dynamic CORS headers to microservices.


Instructor, Tutorfly

Taught web development skills to a class of elementary, middle, and high school students, covering the complete process of creating a well-built, accessible website.


2020 - 2023

Jack Baskin School of Engineering, UC Santa Cruz

Graduated Magna Cum Laude from UC Santa Cruz in 3 years with a B.S. in CS, and Highest Honors in the Major. Served as the president of the UCSC Rocket Team, leading it to successfully complete the NASA Student Launch competition for the first time since its inception, placing 26th among 51 universities nationwide.

2016 - 2020

Lynbrook High School

Took 6 AP courses, became co-president of the web development club, co-founded the machine learning club, and was a part of service organizations like Link Crew

My Work

A collection of my open source work

EyeGuard is a Windows app that helps its 200+ users keep their peepers peeping, by opening timely reminders to rest their eyes for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.



Concept is a natural language analysis tool geared towards students doing creative writing. It is powered by the Google Natural Language API.

Over the course of 2020 I added support for using Rust installed on the Windows Subsystem for Linux to the Rust plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and CLion.

IntelliJ Rust WSL Support


In my senior year of high school, I wrote Ambient so that I could use IntelliJ to submit my coursework instead of Eclipse. It supports downloading assignments and submitting to WebCAT servers.